School Closure

Dear Parents/ Guardians

I hope you are all keeping well and safe.

I am sure most of you heard our President’s address last night announcing the closing of schools for 4 weeks except for Grade 7.

Closing Friday 24th July 2020
Re-Opening Monday 24 August 2020

The grade 7 learners will return to school after a 2 week break and that will be Tuesday 11 August 2020.

For the rest of the school we will notify you during the break when the information is made available to us about the return of the other grades.

Teachers have sent books home with the children so they can continue with their work.

Once a week on a Friday work will be uploaded onto the school website.

Please encourage your children to do the work as it will help them to understand the work and will be able to move forward at a better pace.

Mrs G A Pitchers
Deputy Principal